Eugene Business Consulting & Leadership Development

We empower business leaders to find opportunities in their biggest challenges. Imagine hang gliding through turbulent air and discovering the lift that takes you higher—that's what we do for businesses.

Click here to develop your flight planClick here to develop your flight plan

Eugene Business Consulting that Elevates Your Organization

Eugene Business Consulting
Christine Waugh

At Leader Support Service, your premier source for Eugene Business Consulting, we believe that every Eugene area business and its leaders have the potential to soar to new heights. There is lift out there, even amidst the most turbulent business climates. Our guiding principle is simple: within every challenge lies an opportunity. As a hang glider pilot, I learned to find and utilize the updrafts. We believe that with the right support, you can also identify and harness opportunities to achieve extraordinary success.

Let’s develop your customized business consulting and leadership development flight plan – it will elevate your organization. Our unique approach ensures that each session is not just informative, but transformative. The result is top-flight business consulting and leadership development for results that last.

We Believe In:

  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: Informed leaders make the best decisions. That’s why we are committed to providing you with the insights and tools necessary for effective leadership.
  • Continuous Growth: True leaders are always learning and evolving. Our mission is to facilitate your journey of continuous improvement, ensuring you never peak but always strive for greater heights.
  • Resilience in Adversity: Challenges are not obstacles but opportunities in disguise. With the right mindset and strategy, you can navigate through any storm and emerge stronger.
  • Community and Connection: Great leaders build strong communities. Through collaboration and shared experiences, we help you create a positive and impactful environment within your organization.

Join Us

At Leader Support Service, we’re not just about Eugene business consulting and leadership development; we’re about transforming your approach to business and leadership. We’re here to support you in discovering the lift within the turbulence and soaring to your highest potential.

Just like soaring a hang glider high above the crowd requires skill, precision, and a daring spirit, effective business management demands similar qualities – vision, courage, and strategic thinking. Welcome to Leader Support Service! Explore our services, connect with us on social media, and let’s embark on this journey together. You haven’t peaked yet!

Business Consulting & Leadership Development that Transforms

tailored leadership development and employee training programs
  • Business Consulting: We get to know your business, management and team’s unique personalities. With our extensive history in business management and our outside-the-box aerial viewpoint, we’ve got the skills and enthusiasm to launch you to new heights.
  • Leadership Coaching: Benefit from one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to your unique challenges and goals. We start with where you are and guide you to build your skills and navigate the complexities of business leadership with confidence.
  • Leadership Training: Engage in our interactive workshops that combine practical skill-building with innovative strategies. We address key aspects like communication dynamics, role clarity, and leveraging individual strengths to enhance performance, fostering a collaborative and productive team environment.

Why Choose Leader Support Service?

  • Expertise in Leadership: With extensive experience in business administration, management, and the dynamics of hang gliding, we offer a fresh perspective on business consulting and leadership development.
  • Customized Solutions: Tailored programs that fit your specific challenges and goals, structuring skill development to elevate your business.
  • Local Insight, Global Impact: Rooted in Oregon, our training methodologies have universal appeal for diverse business environments.

Christine really took the time up front to learn about our organization, and the people to tailor a presentation that was meaningful and relevant. I would highly recommend engaging Christine in your next leadership discussions!

Beth Graves, Hi-Valley Development Corporation, Eugene, Oregon


Together, let’s embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and transformation. With our tailored approach, we’re not just providing business consulting and leadership development, we’re co-piloting your journey to new heights of success. You haven’t peaked yet!