3 Basic Keys to a Strategic Leadership Approach

strategic leadership approach

Your flight lesson today demonstrates a strategic leadership approach. Every pilot knows that take-offs are optional, but landings are mandatory! You need to be in it to win it.

Just as a pilot navigates through the crucial phases of an glider’s landing, leaders like you must skillfully manage your approach to challenges and opportunities. Have you ever considered what leadership lessons can be learned from an glider’s downwind, base, and final approach to landing safely?

Downwind, Base & Final: The Strategic Leadership Approach

In aviation, the final approach to landing is not just about reaching the destination; it’s about doing so safely, efficiently, and in a manner that sets up for future success. This phase of flight is a perfect metaphor for strategic leadership in business. Here’s how:

  • Downwind – Planning and Preparation: Just as pilots use the downwind leg to assess conditions on the ground and position their glider correctly for landing, effective leaders use foresight and preparation to position their teams. Do you take the time to assess the business landscape and prepare your team for what’s ahead?
  • Base – Adaptability: Transitioning to the base leg requires adjustments based on the current conditions. If my glider was too high or too low, I made adjustments in this phase of the strategic leadership approach. Similarly, leaders like you want to be adaptable, making informed decisions as circumstances evolve. How flexible are you in adjusting your strategies to meet new information?
  • Final – Precision in Execution: The final approach is about precision and alignment. Keep your wings level and your eyes on your target. As a leader, ensure that your actions and the actions of your team are precisely aligned with your strategic goals. Are you setting yourself up with your vision for success?
  • Flare – Execute a Smooth Landing: A good landing depends on maintaining control and stability until the very end and timing your flare so your feet hit the ground softly. In your strategic leadership approach, this translates to seeing initiatives through to their conclusion, ensuring a stable and positive outcome for all involved. How effectively do you land on your target?

The process of landing a glider teaches us a lot about leadership. Each phase of the strategic leadership approach— the downwind, base, and final—offers insights into planning, adaptability, precision, and perseverance. As you navigate the complexities of leadership, remember these lessons from the skies. Just like a skilled pilot, a strategic leader anticipates, adjusts, and aligns to ensure not just any landing, but a successful one. If you want to level-up you leadership skills, look for a business coach. You haven’t peaked yet!

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