How to Squeeze in Professional Development

Squeeze in professional development

Most leaders know that by lifting their people up, their business will soar. That’s the best way to grow your business. Leadership training is important, but the question is how to squeeze in professional development? I get asked that a LOT.

And I can help. I’m not only flexible but I’m challenged by your staff development challenges. Don’t have time or a room? No problem! Yesterday, I worked with a nursery and we set training up in one of the greenhouses. I worked with a translator to present the training and supported it with handouts in Spanish and English.

Over the years, I’ve worked in board rooms, training rooms, living rooms, on stages, and in gymnasiums. Then there was the time I served a business during a storm and the power was out. And another time I helped a 911 dispatch center squeeze in professional development training – while they were working! (We just paused every time a call came in.) Oh, and one more – I gave a leadership training speech with laryngitis. (They were Head Start teachers, and really appreciated me going the extra mile to deliver, instead of canceling!) I can help you squeeze in professional development!

Whether you want to invest in your people day or night, on-site or away, consider these things:

  • Think outside the conference or classroom when considering training
  • Target the skills you want to develop – leadership, communication, teamwork, etc
  • Squeeze training into short applicable segments that you can build on
  • Ask participants for feedback and ideas to improve the training
  • Allow time for contemplation and practice between sessions

Staff training is important to your people and for the success of your business. So, if you want to squeeze in professional development, I’ll make it happen. I’ll work in your location, on your timeframe, and within your budget.