These engaging leadership books offer insight, humor, and practical tips to help you “give wings to your success.” The eBooks below are accessible, affordable versions of my sold-out paperback editions. (If you’re a collector, you can still find the original paperbacks on the used book market.)
How to Fly by the Seat of Your Pants
Leaders need to know how to ‘wing it’ effectively during these changing times. How to Fly by the Seat of Your Pants, will show you how to find opportunities in all that turbulence – and be prepared to take advantage of them. You can lead through uncertainty. You can soar, personally and professionally. Hang gliding is optional!
Get your copy of this eBook for $9.99 on Amazon.
I’m not a fan of self-help books, and I liked your book. It dealt with self-help in an entirely different way and it’s very useful.
Stephen Guntli
Leadership In Change
Talk to fifty leaders from various demographics and organizations. Ask each about the changes in leadership, you’ll get fifty perspectives. You’ll also get a collection of insights that will help you stretch your own leadership skills, and improve your teamwork, productivity and results. You’ll get Insights On The Fly.
Get your copy of this eBook for $9.99 on Amazon.
Updrafts are pockets of rising air. They create the lift that hang glider pilots use to soar. This book is full of updrafts that will help you soar too. It provides a little lift for leaders like you. Get quick inspiration! Short chapters that give you useful ideas for improving your performance and that of your team.
Get your copy of this eBook for $9.99 on Amazon.
This is your best book yet. I’m buying 24 copies for my managers.
Paul W Shumate, Pacific West Security – Sonitrol
Misty Memories
A nostalgic look at change, Misty Memories is published by Alberteen Press. It’s a historical memoir about the two years that my family spent on a tiny isolated lighthouse island back in the 1950s. Find out what life was like back then, then go with us as we return fifty-two years later. “It’s hard to go back.”
Get your copy of this eBook for $9.99 on Amazon.
Speaking of Success
For this book, I was invited to submit a chapter about Flying By the Seat of Your Pants. Other chapters include insights from Ken Blanchard (of The One Minute Manager and Who Moved My Cheese? fame,) Jack Canfield (originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series,) Stephen Covey (author of The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People,) and many others.
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others.
Brian Tracy