Investing – Not Talking About Money

Secret of investing - start

I’m talking about investing – not talking about money. My parents taught me the value of that at a young age with my allowance. I took my coins to a bank and started my first passbook savings account. Later on, as a bank teller, I used to post and add up the interest each of my customer’s savings passbooks. I could see the funds accumulate as their balance grew. Even though I don’t have a passbook anymore, I still enjoy watching the interest and dividends collect in my accounts.

Although that accrual is important, it is the initial investment that starts the ball rolling. You have to put the money in to start making more. So, the equation goes: Investment + time = more. It’s like bread dough, you make the dough, give it time and it rises.

What about other investments you make? Investments in yourself, like a skill you learn or a class you take? I still remember a management fundamentals class I took at community college decades ago. My original investment was the time and energy it took to take the course. That investment has grown over the years, because I constantly build on that initial education.

Investing – not talking about money. Invest in yourself:

  • Try a new hobby and invest in your relaxation
  • Consider adding to your investment in your relationship
  • Spend some energy and learn a new skill you need
  • Start saving for the time when you don’t want to work so hard

Successful people don’t start out that way. Like them, you can invest strategically in yourself and watch your value increase over time.

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