Don’t be Fooled by Your Perception

fooled by your perception

In business leadership (and in life) you witness, you experience, so think you know. But do you really? Don’t be fooled by your perception! I’ll illustrate this with an old joke, which is funny – and it’s true.

A tourist pulled over to the side of the highway and asked a farmer who was tending his field, “What are the people in the next town like?” The farmer asked the tourist what he thought of the people in the town he just came from. “They were unfriendly and rude, and couldn’t be bothered to help me,” declared the tourist. The farmer nodded his head in understanding, “I think you’ll find the people in the next town the same way.”

Later that day, another tourist stopped by and asked that farmer, “What are the people in the next town like?” And the farmer asked him, “How did you find the people in the last town?” “They were so nice,” said the tourist, “They went out of their way to accommodate my requests.” The farmer nodded his in understanding, too. He said, “I think you’ll find the people in the next town the same way.”

“I think you’ll find the people in the next town the same way.”

The towns were the same. The farmer was the same. His answers were both the same. The only difference was each tourist and his perception of the last town. He created his perception, and it would likely affect his experience in the next town.

There is a benefit to a positive attitude. So don’t get fooled by your perception! You make the choice.:

  • Do you think people are basically good or bad?
  • Are your employees trying to do a good job, or not bother?
  • Does life seem to work with you or against you?
  • Is learning easy for you, or do you have a hard time with it?
  • Is your glass half empty or is it half full?

Your perception has a profound effect on your success. Be careful how you use it. Don’t get fooled by your perception!